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Product Approved for Sale in the United Kingdom Manufactured by: Sanofi Aventis

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Neulactil: Pioneering Treatment for Psychotic Disorders

Revolutionize Mental Health Management:

Neulactil (periciazine) is a potent antipsychotic medication designed for the treatment of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. It effectively reduces symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, and aggressive behavior, helping patients regain a sense of reality and significantly improving their quality of life. Neulactil fosters clearer thinking, better social interactions, and overall emotional stability.

Tailored for Patient Comfort:

Unlike other antipsychotics, Neulactil is known for its low incidence of extrapyramidal side effects, making it a gentler choice for long-term treatment. This characteristic reduces the likelihood of motor disturbances and other side effects typically associated with antipsychotic drugs, enhancing patient adherence and comfort.

Enhancing Daily Functionality:

With its calming effects, Neulactil not only alleviates the core symptoms of psychosis but also aids in managing sleep disturbances and anxiety, which are often co-occurring issues. Patients treated with Neulactil experience improved sleep patterns, reduced anxiety, and a better overall daily functioning, allowing them to participate more fully in everyday life.